Frequently Asked Questions
1.What does Sovietization stand for ?
A. In the Soviet Union, the lower class Russians were in severe
troubles despite the fact that Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, and other
leaders had promised them that their freedom would become a birth
right, Russia would maintain peace, and that there would not be poverty
in the nation. However, these promises eventually turned only into
dreams as the Russian citizens had literally no privacy. People were
spying on one another to be favored by the government. However, when
Gorbachev's government fell, a new democratic republic was supposed to
be formed. But, the legacy of Boris Yeltsin has proved that the phrase,
"Russian Democracy", is an oxymoron. The current president, Vladimir
Putin, has been maintaining that legacy of Boris Yeltsin, and also the
legacies of all the Soviet leaders. Because of this, Putin's regime is
also very similar to that of a Czarist regime, like that of Nicholas
II. Thus, the pictures, of a timeline, from Khrushchev to Putin and
back to the Czarism of the Romanovs. This situation in Russia is
foreshadowing a dreary future for Russia. This particular theory, as
per this website, has been aptly named "Sovietization of Russia."
2.What does the picture on the main page represent ?
A. As discussed in the previous question, we wanted to show that Russian
Democracy, instead of evolving, is actually devolving.
3.Why did you choose Russia ?
A. We chose Russia because of its distinct political, economic,
and social issues, its interesting history, and also because Russia is
very rarely covered in depth in a European History class. We wanted to
emphasize that a dreary future that is foreshadowing Russia while the
rest of the world is rapidly progressing.