Global Issues Archives
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Michael Manley was a popular leader of the left in Jamaica.

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• 5/24-5 • Current topics include the Gulf War, the War on Terror, George W. Bush as war president, roots of terrorism Assignment: Seriously study for the test that will take place next class. EC: Go to the NMS presentation "The Torture Question" in Room 109 after school 5/25 and report back by writing a QoD on the subject and answering it. NM: The next project is open-ended and due the last day of regular class.


• 5/22-3 Current topics include the Iraq's Balance of Power, Israli raid on the reactor, tensions with Kuwait Read: Fareed Zakariah's "Why do they hate us?" Assignment: Write two sets of argument points (8 good ones required for each side.) One side should strengthen the argument that terrorism in the U.S. is caused by U.S. consumptions and foreign policy toward the MidEast. The other side should argue that terror in the U.S. has its roots in the MidEast, most particularly in Islamism.


• 5/17-9 • Current topics include the Intifada, Hamas, Oslo Accords Assignment: Kissinger for a Day. See last time for more info.


• 5/15-6 • Current topics include the roots of Hamas, Arafat, Munich 1972, and Camp David Assignment: Kissinger for a Day. Pretend you are a State Dept. official and write a national security briefing to the president explaining what conditions, you feel, must be met for there to be regional stability and peace in the Middle East and how to attain these conditions? Be creative, pointed, and critical. Due next week.


• 5/11-12 • Current topics include the roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict, al-Hussayni's Holy War, and the Yom Kippur War Read: Explore and read the material presented at the Camp David Online Museum link. QoD: Choose One. 1) Do you feel Carter’s strategy worked or failed? Could it be used to resolve the current situation in the MidEast? 2) Was Camp David a success or a failure? Explain your position with details.


• 5/8-9 • Current topics include rhetoric, the Palace Coup, comparison of presidents, and the roots of the Arab-Israli conflict  Assignment: Create another illustrated timeline of the Palestinian/Israeli situation since 1948. It must be original work. (No copying and pasting!) Focus on consequences of the Oslo Accords, Camp David ’79, Wars of the 1960s and 70s. NM: Assignment due Wed., May 10 at noon.


 • 5/4-5 •  Current topics include rhetoric of the Middle East situation Read: "Case 9- The Persian Gulf War" to the end (handout) QoD: Choose One 1) # 1 on back of handout 2) #3 on back of handout 3) #4 on back of handout NM: Get together the next NM assignment due Tuesday, May 9. See Gateway for more info.


• 5/1-2 • Current topics include rhetoric surrounding the events in the Middle East  Read: Case 9- The Persian Gulf War to the "Air War" QoD: Choose One 1) Why, do you think, did Americans mostly support Bush at the beginning of the Gulf War? 2) #2 on the back of the handout


• 4/26-27 • Current topics include the pivotal year of 1979, the Iran-Iraq War, genocide in Iraq, the Palace Coup Read: Bacevich "WWIV" from p. 53 to the end (handout) QoD: Choose One 1) Why, do you feel, did President Bush’s assumption that Operation Desert Storm would lead to a more stable Middle East not pan out?  2) How did Bill Clinton contribute to or help the MidEast situation?


• 4/19-21 • Current topics include oil concessions, the rise and fall of the shah, Operation Ajax, and the roots of the Iran-Iraq War Read: Bacevich "WWIV" to the "T" on p. 53 (handout) QoD: Choose One 1) Should the U.S. back Israel if it means trouble for the energy policy in the Middle East?  2) How did Reagan change the U.S. response to problems in the Middle East? Were his changes justified?”


• 4/17-8 • Current topics include oil prices, concessions Read: Bacevich to the "E" on p. 45 (handout) QoD: Choose One 1) Was Carter right in telling Americans that they had to cut back on their oil consumption or was this a pipedream?  2) Do you buy Bacevich’s idea that the situation in the MidEast amounts to “WW4?”


• 3/30-1 • Current topics include worldwide distribution of wealth, recent history of Haiti and Jamaica, multinational corporate interests in the Caribbean Read: Guillermoprieto "Venezuela According to Chavez" (handout) QoD: Choose One 1) Do you feel Hugo Chavez’s position in his country is strong or might he be overthrown? 2) Is Chavez a threat to stability, democracy, economy in the Caribbean? EC) Show proof that you shared your opinion on the NatGeo forum on this article. (see last page) NM: Begin collecting stories for the next NM assignment. It is due in web form on April 20th. The theme will be: "My nation's relationship with U.S. hegemony."


• 3/27-8 • Current topics include worldwide distribution of wealth, recent history of Haiti and Jamaica, multinational corporate interests in the Caribbean Read: Mattsen, et. al. "The Maquila in Guatemala: Facts & Trends" (handout) QoD: 1) What, do you feel, is the cause of problems associated with the maquilas? Where did they come from? As Americans, should we learn to live with them? Can we live without them?


• 3/23-4Today we ended the Castro trial of the century Assignment: Create an informative, illustrated political timeline or comic strip of Haiti or Jamaica since 1900. The more creative the better. Haiti: Be sure to include Papa Doc, Baby Doc, Aristide, refugees, U.S. interventions. Jamaica: Manleys, Elizabeth II, Seaga, Bustamante, gangs.


• 3/20-1 • Today we began the Castro trial of the century and discussed liberation theology in Latin America Read: "New Wave" (handout) QoD: Pick One. 1) Is the author correct in assuming that the American sphere of influence is going to end in the Caribbean? Explain yourself. 2) Was the U.S. right to fund the contras in Nicaragua and El Salvador? Explain fully.


• 3/16-7 • Topics include Cuba's relationship to "Third World" and non-aligned movement, emigration from  Caribbean, and comparing systems of Cuba and North Korea Assignment: Prepare for your role in the Castro trial of the century (see handout). Get to know your character so that you will be able to answer any question that comes your way.


• 3/13-4 • Discussed the Cuban case study economically and politically, the rise of Castro Read: “Nicaragua” section pp. 73-6 from Banana Republics & online reading Somozas QoD: Pick One. 1) Why, do you think, did the U.S. support the regime of the Somozas initially? 2) Did the “jefes” bring about stability in Nicaragua as the U.S. claimed? NM: Website #2  is due Friday.

• 3/9-10 • Discussed the Cuban case study economically and politically, the rise of Castro Read: "The Dominican Dictator: Rafael Trujillo" (e-handout) QoD: Pick One. 1) How was Trujillo similar to and different from Batista? How was Castro similar to and different from Arbenz? 2) Was the U.S. right to assassinate Trujillo, whom they formerly supported?

• 3/7-8 • Critiqued NM webpages, talked about Latin American land issues & the UFC in Guatemala Read: "Dominican Republic" section of "Banana Republics." QoD: Choose One. 1) How much of a role did the U.S. really have in the D.R.’s 20th century troubles, especially those faced under Trujillo? 2) Who is most responsible for the political instability in the D.R., the sugarcane companies or the corrupt government? Explain. NM: Have your regional overview page done by the second class of this week. 


• 3/2-3 • Worked on website creation for N.M. Project. NM: Have regional overview web finished for next class.


• 2/27-8 • Took unit test on Power Politics. Read: "Havana and Washington" by Falk & "Cuba" section of "Banana Republics" by Gonzalez. QoD: Choose One. 1) Was Castro justified in his seizing control of Cuba during his 1959 coup d'etat? Explain your position. 2) Was Cuba treated fairly by the Cold War-era United States? Should we continue economic sanctions against the Cubans? NM: Bring N.M. #2 digital file to next class.


• 2/23-4 • Current topics include the Cuban Missile Crisis and nuclear non-proliferation Homework: Study for upcoming unit test


• 2/21-2 • Current topics include nuclear proliferation, deterrence, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Cold War Read: General Lee Butler's "Risks of Nuclear Deterrence" (e-handout) QoD: 1) Does nuclear deterrence work? Is it something the U.S. should continue using as a diplomatic tool? Explain position.


• 2/16-7• Current topics include the world's differing opinions on American hegemony NM: Assignment #2 is due next Friday.


• 2/14-5 • Current topics include ways power is exerted by states, nuclear deterrence, and the case study of North Korea. Read: "How the World Views America" assigned section (handout) Assignment: Prepare for class debate by responding to the following prompts. 1) List your nation’s major issues with U.S. hegemony. 2) What do the people of your nation think of the U.S.? Is it different from their government’s position? 3) Is your nation correct in its beliefs or do you see flaws in logic? 4) If your nation could change something about the U.S. what would it be?


• 2/9-10 • Current topics include the ins and outs of power politics, isolationism and internationalism. View: "Welcome to Korea" PBS special QoD: Choose one. 1) What troubles in North Korea are caused by being outside the political, economic, and cultural hegemony of the U.S.? Defend your position with specific points. 2) How are North Koreans’ attitudes toward the U.S. and the “North” affected by their government? How valid are their criticisms made from the outside looking in?


• 2/6-7 • Current topics include hegemony and hegemons, world powers. Read:  Washington, et. al. (e-handout) QoD: Answer one. 1) Which statesman (of Bender or Hull) had the best idea about the place of the U.S. in world affairs? Is what they said as valid now as it was in 1940?  2) Are Washington's ideas about international relations something the U.S. should or could follow today? 3) Do you think George W. Bush would agree with the ideas of his fellow Republican, Bender, or with Democratic Sec. of State Hull? Use evidence to back up your thesis.


• 2/2-3 • Current topics include empire, exporting democracy, U.S. global influence and cultural homogeny. Read: "Why Export Democracy?" by Ikenberry (handout) QoD: Answer One 1) This article was published in 1999 during the Clinton administration. Are Ikenberry’s opinions still relevant in our post-9/11 world? Explain your position. 2) Is it really in the best interest of the United States for other nations to be democratic? Why or why not? Explain using case studies and examples.


• 1/30-1 • Current topics include the U.S. as empire, global influence. Assignment: Complete the News Monitoring Assignment #1. Find 3 international news sources. Include web address, a note on potential bias, reasoning behind your decision.


• 1/23-5 • Semester exam was taken. --end of first semester--


• 1/19-20 • Current topics include public vs. private media, newsworthiness, corporate media synergy.


• 1/17-8 • Current topics include recognition of bias and slant, private versus public media. Read: "Starting Over" by Eastland. (Handout.) Questions: Answer One 1) Is Eastland justified in proclaiming the "death" of the elite media? Why or why not? 2) Is Eastland's "old media" or his "new media" better for democracy? Explain your argument.


• 1/12-3 • Current topics include recognition of bias and slant, identification of the gatekeeper in media, and the uses of news media.  Assignment: Make a news media log. Pick a media source on television (cable or local) or in print (newspaper) and create a log of the stories. (If using TV, watch at least 20 min.) The columns of your log: story # (in order); Running Time/Page & Pg. Space; Story Description; Reporter/ Anchor Delivering; Images or Video Description. At the end include a note on the advertisements and include information on the time or space given to ads.


• 1/9-10 • Current topic is the international media and media literacy. Read: Lynch "Al-Jazeera" and graphs. Questions: Answer One 1) How much of a role, do you feel, the media has in shaping public opinion? In decisions made in democratic nations? 2) Is CNN as big a threat to the Middle East as critics claim al-Jazeera is to the “West?” Are these criticisms founded?