on the road

the gadlfy in...

new york

gadfly homepage on the road home notes on places last contact: 7/2007 first contact: 3/30/2003

Trip Stats (7/07):


Counties visited: 12

Best county: Essex Co.

Last visited: 7/2007

Places slept: Cranberry Lake (tent)

Town visited most: Buffalo

Most impressive town: Lake Placid

Least impressive town: Niagara Falls

Biggest town: New York

Most scenic area: Au Sable valley in the Adirondacks

Road Trips: Niagara-Toronto Loop (3/2004), new England (7/2007)


Neighboring States:  PA, NJ, CT, ON, QC, VT


Major passes: In late March, 2004, I closely hugged the entire shore of Lake Erie along NY-5 and US-20.


Future Plans: I have no interest in NYC right now. It seems like a place that might strangle me literally and metaphorically. I do like New Yorkers I have met (mostly from Staten Island), but I would much prefer the Adirondacks and Finger Lakes to the Big Apple.

First Contact: I came close to entering New York while sitting in Union Station in Philadelphia in July of 2000 looking for a place to go on a day trip. I chose Atlantic City, instead. Atlantic City is filled with New Yorkers cussing at everything with their New York accents so I felt like I was there. My first time actually in the state was much more subdued and Midwestern in feel, skirting the shores of Lake Erie. The area is reminiscent of any Great Lakes region, covered with forests, rusting industrial cities, and vineyards and fruit farms. Many I told about before my trip told me the area was an East Coast place, but that was not the culture I found upon my arrival.

Chautauga Co. (2004)

On way to Niagara, passed through quickly along NY-5 along Lake Erie, vineyards, and hilly forests. Some of the most beautiful country in the U.S. Van Buren Pt. Dunkirk. Silver Creek.

Erie Co. (2004)

Irving. The cheapest gas in the state of New York. This is a small native town in the Chautauga Reservation comprised of gas stations.  Angola. Buffalo. This medium-sized, blue-collar city sits atop the Niagara River. It was once the busiest manufacturing center in the country, but when I visited it was quiet and desolate. Stopped downtown at a large reproduction of a nickel. It has the look and feel like that of many Great Lake cities, that once were buzzing and now seem to be searching for their souls. Grand Island. A gritty suburb filled with working class houses.

Niagara Co. (2004)

Niagara Falls. Passed right through this tough working class town in favor its Canadian sister city and their many attractions. The American Falls that wrap around Goat Island is uglied by the pier built right beside it, but who can blame Niagara, NY, for trying to make some cash off their falls, which are next to impossible to see from New York. Fort Niagara SP. While I was not there, its white walls proved a most impressive and patriotism-inducing sight from the Canadian side of the Niagara River.

Jefferson Co. (7/2007)

Wellesly Island SP. Alexandria Bay. Watertown. Fort Drum. Black River. Deferiet.

Saint Lawrence Co. (7/2007)

Hammond. Alexandria Bay. Star Lake. Cranberry Lake.

Lewis Co. (7/2007)


Franklin Co. (7/2007)

Tupper Lake. Saranac Lake.

Essex Co. (7/2007)

Lake Placid. North Elba. Keene. Jay. Au Sable..

Clinton Co. (7/2007)

Plattsburgh. Chazy. Champlain.

Westchester Co. (7/2007)


Bronx Co. (7/2007)

New York (Bronx).

New York Co. (7/2007)

New York (Manhattan). New York (Harlem).









John Brown's farmhouse near Lake Placid. (2007)

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The vineyards along the east shore of Lake Erie. The foot of the Alleghenies rise up in the background. (2004)

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The American Falls are capped by the city of Niagara Falls, birthplace to electricity in the U.S. (2004)

Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks. (2007)