on the road

the gadlfy in...


gadfly homepage on the road home notes on places last contact: 1/2010 first contact: 7/2004

TN Trip Stats (6/09):


Counties visited: 38

Best county: Shelby Co.

Town visited most: Nashville

Places slept in: Meeman-Shelby SP (tent), Cedars of Lebanon SP (tent), Pigeon Forge, Cumberland Gap, Gatlinburg

Most impressive town: Gatlinburg

Least impressive town: Lebanon

Biggest town: Memphis

Most scenic area: Smoky Mountains

Most scenic spot: Morton Overlook

Highest Elevation: Newfoundland Gap (5048 ft.)

Three words: mountains, raccoons, musical

Unique Food: Waffle House, home of the Cracker Barrel, God bless it...


Long Trips: Southland Trip (7/04), Appalachia Trip (3/05), Katrina Relief Trip (10/05), Honeymoon (7/06)


Neighboring States: KY, MS, AR, VA, NC, GA, AL


Areas thoroughly explored: Beginning to wear a groove along I-65 corridor, although I rarely stop. Have been through the Smokies twice.


Major passes: In July, 2004, passed through state vertically from Dyersburg to Memphis and the next day traversed the state half-way horizontally from Memphis to Lebanon along I-40. In March, 2005, I passed vertically twice: once along I-75 from Kentucky to Knoxville and once along several roads from Greenville to Cumberland Gap. In October, 2005, crossed the state south to north along I-65 from Ardmore to Mitchellville. In July, 2006, crossed state twice.


Future Plans: Memphis was a great city and worth another few looks. I also want to visit the Civil Rights Museum which is located in the old motel where Martin Luther King was killed. Nashville is also a nice town worth another look. The Smokies and vicinity seem full of things to do for future trips. I also  think I should visit a few major Civil War battlefields if I want to call myself a history major in America. I drove by signs indicating the way to Shiloh, Fort Pillow, and Fort Donnelson without batting an eye. Maybe that should be corrected or maybe it would be boring...

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First Contact: I first stepped foot in Tennessee at the I-155 bridge over the Mississippi 8 miles west of Lenox. The roadway toward US-51 at Dyersberg was quite plain and green. A sign told me I was on the Al Gore Sr. Highway when I got to Dyersburg, a small city in the northwest part of the state. From here I traversed the state travelling south through populated suburban areas along US-51.

Dyer Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Lauderdale Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Tipton Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Shelby Co. (7/2004)

s and the town kind of gave me the creeps, although it was quite verdant. 

Fayette Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Haywood Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Madison Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Henderson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Perry Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Benton Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Humphreys Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Hickman Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Dickson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Williamson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Cheatham Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Davidson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Wilson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Sumner Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Robertson Co. (7/2004)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Campbell Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Anderson Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Knox Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Sevier Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Greene Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Hamblen Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Granger Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Claiborne Co. (3/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Giles Co. (10/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Marshall Co. (10/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

Maury Co. (10/2005)

Passed through along I-65 on the way home from Nashville. Bowling Green.

A scenic field just northwest of Chattanooga. (2006)

Signage from the heyday of the blues on Memphis' Beale Street. (2008)

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My old Buick and I take a breather while climbing the Smokies.(2004)

Cotton field near Henning. (2008)