on the road

the gadlfy in...

west virginia

gadfly homepage on the road home last contact: 4/2007 first contact: 12/2006

WV Trip Stats (7/07):


Counties visited: 9

Last visited: 4/2007


Best county: Fayette Co.

Town visited most: Charleston

Most impressive town: Harper's Ferry

Least impressive town: Huntington

Biggest town: Charleston

Most scenic area: New River Gorge

Most scenic spot: Hawk's Nest SP

Three words: miners, rapids, mountains

Road Trips: Patriotic New Year (12/06), Oceanic Mom (4/07)


Neighboring States: OH, KY, VA, PA, MD


Major passes: In January, 2007, I passed through the state on my way home from the Chesapeake along I-64. It was night. All I could see were the darkness of mountains against the star-lit sky. In April, 2007, I passed through the state during the day so opted to take US-60 off the interstate for part of the way. I did not regret it.


Future Plans: I want to show my wife the New River Gorge. It is one of the wonders of the country.


State obsessions: When I stopped for gas in one town I noticed that the local t.v. news has a daily mining report, like it is the weather. The cashiers were intently listening to this. Everything in this state depends on the mines. Coal is its lifeblood and you can see it in trains, in trucks, and piled up on any land that is relatively flat.


People. The people of West Virginia are not bad people. In fact many of them were very helpful to me and were distributors of that famed Southern hospitality. They just seemed so depressed. I saw so many people just sitting on their porches with a blank look on their faces.

First Contact: I first entered the state in December of 2006, a few days before New Year's Day. It was an unusually warm day. I had to get off the Pennsylvania Turnpike because the Interstates were driving me crazy. I headed down across the Potomac and toward the historic town of Harper's Ferry. After buying kettle corn on the Virginia side of the clogged road, I entered the scenic town and had some trouble finding parking. After s while stretching out my legs, I left the state as quickly as I entered it.

Jefferson Co. (12/2006)

Harper's Ferry. COming Soon.

Greenbrier Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Summers Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Raliegh Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Fayette Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Kanawha Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Putnam Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Cabel Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Wayne Co. (1/2007)

Coming. Soon.

Coming soon..

Coming soon..

Coming soon..


Photos (c) 2007 by S. Plencner. All rights reserved.